
Showing posts from May 19, 2017


It's been four very long years since you left me for greater glory,four messy rocky years,I do not need to give you the details here cos you can see all from God's right handside.At times I get so very angry,I hate myself and even feel suicidal cos with everything you taught me been the good teacher you were,it is a shame that you forgot to teach me one of the greatest facts of all,mum you forgot to teach me how to "Live without you" and this is tearing me apart. I wake up daily amongst my peers to face the struggles of life and yet I hardly complete each day without a breakdown. My siblings are doing just fine,the boys are doing great,your replica,my little mum Bewaji is doing fine and some I wish she could wear your shoes but she's just a child,Amani is 2,she clocked 2 just yesterday and I made her some promises I must fulfill. Joy is here and would have really loved to meet you,everyone seems to love her for real but with a...


Uredoh,I wish I could make you understand how much I love you in the three usual words to express how much feel about you but God knows better,you are two now but I promise you won't spend another two years of your life incomplete again by God's grace and in a short while you will know and see why you have missed me all this while,may God grant you more happiness,joy,peace of mind,good health and very long life in contentment and abundance in Jesus mighty name,God bless your mum for a good job well done,dad,your grandma,great grandma,your siblings Bewaji and all,we love you pretty angel. Happy birthday Pinky Amani Uredoh Abolanle Dianne Ayegba,I love you angel.