A woman identified as Sherifat has been arrested by the Lagos state police for allegedly brutalizing her four year-old nephew, Pamilerin who she accused of habitual bed wetting and stooling. It was reported that she was in the habit of beating the boy with an electrical cable at the slightest provocation.At the police station,a police woman was seen feeding the malnourished boy who had swollen eyes and scars on different parts of his body. Sherifat’s neighbours reported that she was always beating the boy on a daily basis with an electrical cable. She said the reason for torturing the boy was that he was too slow and she wanted him to become a fast learner. The neighbours also alleged that Sherifat abuses anyone who tries to intervene whenever she is beating the boy. ” She is in the habit of beating the boy since he was brought to Lagos and she rain abuses on anyone who tries to intervene, saying everybody should m...